Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

How To Play Dota

           Paper is provided to studying the basic stages in the game playing Dota-Allstars. These are provided to give a basic idea in mapping hero-hero.

            The target of this guide is the beginners who are learning or those who want to try to play DOTA, also for beginners who are sick of spending his time playing without being able to kill enemies or beginners who are sick of always being shouted at his team because of lack of friends or lack of skill to play with the team.

            This guide is not suitable for players who already played or experienced players, because they would have to develop ways to play them in the face of his enemies. This guide is also not provided as a complete guide DOTA Allstars, or cover the entire difficulty in the game DOTA. This guide was made only as a means to accelerate the beginner to learn.

            The contents of this guide is divided into several sections. Each contains the skill-base skills and sciences that must be mastered by the players DotA Allstars. All content in this guide comes from knowledge and experience of the author in the play. 

Of course it's not necessarily accurate. The author himself only players with intermediate skills and probably a lot of areas in this map is not very accurate or inaccurate. However, the authors hope that the beginners can take advantage of reading this guide and develop their skills in this game so they are not called "noob" in the game of DotA Allstars.

No strings attached again let's start immediately.

Hero Selection & Create Item
This section teaches about the selection of heroes and tricks to make the items in the game. Basically there are several types of heroes and some are easier to use than any other hero. Some heroes are easier to use but is weak or there is also a hero is more difficult to use, but more powerful.

Select your hero based on ability "NOOBness" you.

The following are the various types of hero in dota:

Hero was shot from a distance and therefore easier to remedy used by the beginner.

Hero-hero stronger contained in this category, but they are more difficult to use because of their fighting style that relies on melee. So they are very vulnerable to enemy attack.

This is the weakest categories at the beginning of the game. They have low hp and damage is very small. They are usually used as the main target of the enemy hero at the beginning of the game. They can only be developed in the late game and becoming increasingly dangerous. Hero status and played melee agility beginners usually become the target of the enemy hero.

This hero is a killer that can be used early in the game. Equipped with a deadly magic from the beginning. This hero can kill the enemy hero-hero at the beginning of the game to compensate for weaknesses in their playing time. Slow speed and low hp makes them very fragile. Teteapi Intelligence hero will usually have a long-range attacks.

Hero of this type can also develop in the late game. They have a lot of hp and a very large level of damage. The disadvantage is, they usually attack at close range.

There are several types of ways to play that can be tailored to the type of hero. And for starters, you need to know only three types only.

-Pusher / Tanker:
Hero who can do this should be the hero who can rush forward and face the creeps without the risk of death. This type of play such as this requires a hero who has a lot of hp, a good way of hunting and a high level of recovery hp.

-Hero Killer:
Which can be used is the hero that comes with physical and magic damage is great. This is the kind of hero that can suddenly appear behind you and about you with a blow critical. Usually dubbed the Assassins. How to play like this requires raising the level of seriousness of the damage, position hero hero is good and good movement.

Hero of this type is quite useful. Because it can help in encouraging the troops, or about providing suport to another hero. It can even kill the enemy hero. This hero usually has a stun skill, disabling or area of
If your team have previously discussed the strategy and determine what kind of hero who must use each player, you choose the most easy to use. Hero distance is usually safer to use. Make sure you have previously tried the hero. Do not choose a hero who has never used anyone before just because it looks cool hero or heroic.

            Open-Allstars.info DOTA or DOTA-Allstars.com to understand more about the hero and his items. Many people have suggested items that should be purchased dlam form a hero. Read the forum and find a way to form a hero who has read the crowd and get recognition from people who've tried it. Find the advantages and disadvantages of each hero you play and then you can use in your game. There are various ways to form with your play hero suit. This will be discussed later.

            Remember that there are no shortcuts to success. Be diligent practice and read reviews or hints as much as possible and learn. Find out what items must be purchased and also know the prescriptions in the created. You definitely do not want spend your time to stand near the fountain to see what function of an item or even run back to the merchant only because you lack 20 gold. Minimize the chance associates your team to always get angry with you.

These are some tips on items to be purchased to form a variety of heroes:

             1. Buy items that increase stats:
 It is a basic fact: add points on Strengh will also increase the number your hp. Especially if your's hero a hero based on this strength will also give you additional damage. Adding points on your hero agility will also increase the number of armor and if your hero an Agility hero, then his damage will increase. Likewise if you add intelligence to the your hero will increase the number of mana point and if your hero an Intelligence hero will also add to damage him. Easy, right?

If you play a hero who has a small hp at first, it might be better if you buy an item that can add your hero statistics. For example Bracer for Strengh hero, nulltalisman for Intelligence and Wraith Bands for Agility hero. More good example is the ultimate orb.

             2. Buy items that add damage:
Many items are simply added without adding statistikmu damage, and you should be careful in buying these items. Because you are a beginner it's good if you try to balance between damage and stats than you form a hero who only pay attention to one of the hp or damage. For example, if you form a hero with your hp damage 50 but remains at an average of 900, then certainly you will easily be killed.

But if you enjoy playing as an assassin, then you can try by adding a continuous damage. For example, by preferring to buy sacred relics than Messerschmidt's Reaver. But please remain cautious.

             3. Buy items that increase the hp / mana regeneration:
I've seen people buy a ring of regenerations or Sobi mask more than 4 or 5. This is really ridiculous. These items are good. But in the game of DotA, there are the so-called efficiency point. Too much sometimes make inefficient. Why spend your money to regenerate hp / mana if you do not have enough hp and damage to kill your enemies? Always give a balance in the form your hero. Unless you know what you do, buy the same item with the excess going to make trouble in the long battle.

Moreover, a few basic items can be combined with other basic items to make a better item. Why not try to combine the ring of health with a void stone to make Perseverance? This method is more effective to equip your hero compared to comply with basic items.

Category this item is perfect with a hero who used to drive the enemy forces

            4. Buy items that give effect to vampiric aura:
I've also seen people buy 3 to 4 mask of death and the helmet of dominators. Remember again about efficiency in buying the item. Does not mean if you buy 3 to 4 the same item would increase the effectiveness your hero. But please keep in mind that there are some items that if you buy a few can still be effective.

If you use a hero Intelligence, it's good if you do not waste your money to buy items that have vampiric aura, unless you have a lot of money and do not know anymore what to buy (which seems very rare). First you'll probably rely more on magic distance your far because maybe you are wearing hero range, because of that you will rarely engage in direct contact with the creep. The second, your attack may be too slow to make the vampiric aura becomes very ineffective. I might have finished lunch but not too restore hp your hero its fully with vampiric aura.

The item is better used by the hero or the hero Agility Melee attack that has a high speed. If you're still not convinced and understand, you try to play using Naix until level 25. You'll see what I mean by high-speed attack combined with vampiric aura.

            5. Buying an item that gives an aura:

Some of the aura can not be used to accumulate. Examples of the Stygian Desolator Corruptionaura with vampiric aura of Helm of Dominators. You can only wear one even if you buy both the aura. To find out about what items can and can not be used at the same time try to read on DOTA Allstars forums.

            6. Buy items that give effect to stun / bash:
It is almost the same as the explanation of the vampiric aura. For example is the Cranium Basher.

            This item gives you a chance to remove stun effects or bash on your hit with a certain percentage. But if your hero have 1/second punch speed, better just buy another item. Why? Because this is a good chance get effect is determined from hitting pace. The more punches that come out with a fast time would be better because these effects can get out more. This item is more suitable for use by Agility hero who has high speed in a punch. Or Melee hero that has the item overdrive punch. For example is the Bone Fletcher.

            7. Buying items with a higher capacity:
It is very important: when you decide to purchase the items with higher ability, choose wisely. At the beginning of the game do not jump to save money to buy expensive items like Butterfly or highly capable. Should you buy items that can enhance and further your stat slowly continues to collect for better items. Unless your opponent is a novice who let hunting until your money can buy Butterfly. You will not last long with that kind of thinking.

            Imagine this scenario: in a 1vs1 game, you and your enemy has the ability to damage points 1. then there are two types of items, ie item level 4, for 1,000 gold with 100 damage effects and no item level 2 with effect 10 damage for 100 gold. Then you're saving to buy the item level 4, while the enemy to buy the item level 2. at the time your money has reached the 999 gold, heromu still has 1 damage point, while the enemy may already have 91 points damage. When you meet, about which one would more often killed? You understand, right?

Very risky to save for very expensive items, such as gold or more for 3000. Especially at the beginning of the game.

            l If you want to use the Butterfly, taking into account the recipe: Butterfly Wheel (1400), Eaglehorn (3400), and Quaterstaff (1150). Now what do you think the order to buy it? If you are thinking of buying the first Butterfly Scroll, then you really do not pay attention to cues previously. Or if you continue saving to buy Eaglehorn first, it means you're also too self-confident. The best sequence is the first Quaterstaff buy, buy new Eaglehorn Butterfly Scroll.

            8. Tips to buy basic items:
See what your hero skills. Do not buy items that have a skill bonus equal to your hero. For example Naix equipped with the same mask of death in vain. Medusa's split arrow or you add a buy battle fury. Because only be wasting money.

Determine your strategy since the beginning of play. Determine the stage of purchasing your items and continue to follow. Buy an item because it is useful, not because it looks cool.

In this section the author will provide a useful picture attachment for beginners of this game :

                                                   This is the beginning of the game dota.

                            Then select LAN (Local Area Network) to be able to play.

Enter your name and select the map dota you want to play.

                                            Select the hero you want to play.


                             Select the items you want to use.

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